What’s the Science? A Night of Poetic Game Play
Vox Populi 319 N. 11th St, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PAEnjoy the literary side of science with writers Tamara Oakman, Grant Clauser, Chris McCreary, Bryan Dickey, Rasheedah Phillips, Kathryn Ionata, Kyrwin Sutherland, Matt Charles, and Maggie Eighteen selected by The Apiary Corp., Bedfellows, Philadelphia Stories, Gigantic Sequins, Cleaver Magazine, Thread Makes Blanket, Painted Bride Quarterly, The AfroFuturist Affair, Metropolarity and Fact-Simile Editions.
Writers respond to the prompt "What's the Science?" to describe how they imagine (or prefer to imagine) various phenomena occur, collaboratively creating a new cosmology. From sweaty suns to train rainbows, you're sure to delight in this new world.
Suggested donation $7-10
Read bios of the participants at length here: https://www.facebook.com/events/472004649618093