Well the squad went in and now we’ve got new pins, cute stickers, info cards, and our favorite, SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE IN PRINT & AUDIO FORMAT . Order stuff from our distro and get some of the aforementioned goods, or pick them up at our events (check out calendar in the nav above). There’s more coming, too. >=} Click the images in the post for direct links to anything you see therein.
This month also sees the opening of Rasheedah’s HOUSE OF FUTURE SCIENCES press online, a centralized place to get her Nonlocality Zines, Recurrence Plot novel and matching soundtrack (!), AfroFuturist Affair pins, posters, and the newest hottest book BLACK QUANTUM FUTURISM. Details below. We’re stoked.
Black Quantum Futurism (or BQF) is a new approach to living and experiencing reality by way of the manipulation of space-time in order to see into possible futures, and/or collapse space-time into a desired future in order to bring about that future’s reality. This vision and practice derives its facets, tenets, and qualities from quantum physics, futurist traditions, and Black/African cultural traditions of consciousness, time, and space. Inside of the space where these three traditions intersect exists a creative plane that allows for the ability of African-descended people to see “into,” choose, or create the impending future.
Featuring visions by Rasheedah Phillips, Moor Mother Goddess, Warren C. Longmire, Almah Lavon, Joy Kmt, Thomas Stanley, PhD, and Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani, PhD.
84 pages. Matte cover.
Cover art and design by Dezz Archie
Compiled and edited by Rasheedah Phillips
Recurrence Plot at Philadelphia’s Brickbat Books. Have you gotten your copy yet?
The interweaving stories in Recurrence Plot and Other Time Travel Tales present characters whose stories challenge the notion that time flows in only one direction. If you want to understand what is happening at any given point in time, you cannot only look to the past for clues. You must consider the future.
A journalist races against time itself to expose the entity preying on young male teens in Philadelphia. A crystal, memory-storing bracelet transports a young mother back to the day of her own mother’s traumatic death. An unknown force of nature causes time to start flowing backwards. . .
Using quantum physics as an imaginative landscape, Phillips’ debut speculative collection Recurrence Plot attempts to walk the fine line between fiction and reality, fate and free will, and past, present, and future.
Maggie Eighteen’s PINS 4 CYBORGS reference Ghost in the Shell, Donna Haraway, and their own post-binary dystopian universe, All That’s Left. Get them in pairs, or buy one of their zines and get one on the house.
New new new Metropolarity pins come with every Metropolarity order in our lil shop or at our events.