trouble: queer writers reading

Wooden Shoe Books & Records 704 South Street, Philadelphia, United States

PART OF THE PHREAK N QUEER ARTS FESTIVAL COMES TROUBLE: QUEER WRITERS READING featuring: Alex Smith & Crew from Metropolarity Tim Trace Peterson (co-editor of Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics) Che Gossett Patrick Lucy hosted by Marion Bell part of Phreak N' Queer Arts & Music Festival 2013 donations suggested, absolutely […]



40th Street AIR Space 4007 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

FACEBOOK RSVP HERE ::A NIGHT OF COSMIC ART:: >>Plastic Fantastic invites the beautiful world people, Philadelphia. Geodesic dome houses wonder including artist, creative, inspirational. Projectors Light Music, telling the stories of Life political, emotional, universal. Enjoy your time here and Celebrate!<< >>08.10.2013<< >>08:00PM<< >>40th Street AIRSPACE<< >>FREE<< >>ALL AGES<< Featuring performances by: GhettoSongbird Umer […]


A R K 5008 Beaumont Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Studio 45 and Element 33 collaborate to bring you the body music, the soul movement, the electrolysis of the universe. IT'S HOUSE MUSIC YA'LL! ALL NIGHT funk, disco, house, electro and funky tech beats from deep to disco to tribal to garage to stepz... Can you feel it? It's the return of FLY LIFE. with […]

$3 – $5

Fargo-Moorehead Zine Fest

UU Church 121 9th St S, Fargo, ND, United States

Enjoy zine sales, a zine tutorial, music by Spring Ma and QUESE IMC. QUESE will also speak about Idle No More and solidarity. Ras. Mashramani and Maggie Eighteen of the science fiction collective METROPOLARITY will be speaking and facilitating a workshop. FMZF is honored to present a screening of the movie Rez with a Q […]

North Philly Community Radio Fundraising Party

Peace Spot 1652 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

On the evening of Saturday, September 14th, The Hip Hop Party for the People will be throwing a fundraiser in order to build a Community Radio Station in North Philly! The fundraiser will be hosted by S.Frosty and will feature guest performances by some of the city's brightest talent as well as music by DJ […]


Come as Your Madness! A Smut Reading

Little Berlin 2430 Coral Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

A smut reading catering to your hidden desires and derangement! Performances by authors from Metropolarity, The Apiary Corp., and The Dream Oven Open erotica reading: bring your fantasies & realities Flagrant gender performance greatly encouraged & appreciated. Weird & tantalizing dance party to follow

A Different World Dance Party Fashion Show

The Peacehouse 1320 N. Taney Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The Peace House Creative Space & Rockers Closet present A Different World, A Dance Party/Fashion Show in Celebration of Philly Fashion Week 2013, "Fashion Redefined" FRIDAY Sept 20 2013 10p-3a @ The Peace House Creative Space 1320 N Taney St (near 27th & Thompson) FREE for Ladies before Midnight $5 for Gentlemen All Night Dance […]



LAVA zone 4134 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, United States

--> BANDS: NORTHERN LIBERTIES "Dissonant riff-heavy freakouts...sullen gloom...melodic marches...spacey, psychedelic angular avant-punk...cosmic effects tripouts...bizarre feverdream lyrics...zoned-out vocals." -Crucial Blast A STICK AND A STONE "... a haunting, dark long night...back and forth mixed emotions...powerful sex...pancakes..." -Spice Rack * Night Vision Vinyl Release and Art Show + One year anniversary with drummer Dan + LAST SHOW […]


100 Days Instead of Prisons Video Premier & Launch Party

PhillyCAM 699 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

THE ART FACTORY & DECARCERATE PA PRESENT: Come one, come all to PhillyCAM and join us for the Premier of our 3 Stop Motion Animation Videos that we collaborated with Decarcerate PA as well as the kick off for the 100 Days Instead of Prisons Launch Party. Our Videos Are: ~EVOLUTION OF PRISON: THE BACKGROUND […]

The Laser Life Queer Sci-Fi Reading Series

A-Space Anarchist Community Center 47th and Baltimore Avenues, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Triumphant return for fall!! The lifeblood! with the crew Alex Smith Shane Jenkins R. Phillips of the AfroFuturist Affair Ras Mashramani Maggie Eighteen and featured readers Katie Zall + 1 more TBA


LAVA zone 4134 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, United States

Screaming Queens (Vancouver) S/T - Psychedelia by Screaming Queens ex. by v. shifted red by EX. By V. Alex Smith Smith is a queer black activist, poet, dj, actor, musician, afro punk/afro-futurist chronicler of the naughty universe. Smith’s work speaks to the edge, to the post-fringe dystopia slowly creeping upon us. Too cantankerous and flamboyant […]


Philly Zine Fest 2013

The Rotunda 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

"The Fest showcases local artists and zinesters, as well as zine distros, bringing DIY, radical, whimsical, and artistic small press publications to the public. Ranging from bike repair to poetry to crafts, the Zine Fest is a great place to go to learn new things, connect with local writers, and get involved with creating new […]